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What is the aim of this survey?
The aim of this survey is to learn more about the opinions and experience of healthcare professionals in Germany towards COVID-19 Point-of-Care PCR testing and implementation.
What is this survey about?
Point-of-care (POC) testing is defined as medical diagnostic testing at or near the point of care—that is, at the time and place of patient care.
In this study, we will focus on COVID-19 POC PCR testing, in contrast to only PCR testing conducted at a central laboratory facility.
While the specificity of COVID-19 POC PCR tests is similar to that of PCR tests that are evaluated in the laboratory (97.9%-99.8%), their sensitivity is slightly lower than that of PCR tests sent to the laboratory (78.6%-99.1%), depending on the manufacturer.
COVID-19 POC PCR tests deliver results in as little as 13 minutes and up to 90 minutes (depending on the instrument used). Some devices have the capacity to run multiple samples at once, and no prior sample preparation is needed when using fully automated devices.
Thus COVID-19 POC PCR testing can facilitate mass screening of samples. By providing a quick diagnosis, POC PCR testing may also help prevent unnecessary patient and healthcare worker exposure, particularly in settings where vulnerable patient populations or individuals at high-risk of infection congregate, such as oncology, hematology, nephrology, geriatric and pediatric units, as well as emergency departments and dialysis units.
What are we inviting you to do?
We kindly invite you to complete the survey in one session, which will take you 30-45 minutes depending on your previous experience with COVID-19 POC PCR testing.
Your responses will be collected anonymously and treated according to BDSG regulations for data protection.
Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary and you can decline to participate, or stop at any time, without stating any reason.
Additional information about this study as well as your rights as a participant are provided in the Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form attached below. Once you read them and agree to take part in this study, you will be asked to confirm your eligibility before you can begin the survey.
You have the option to download the files and keep your own copy.
Thank you for your participation!